Playing: Sprue Posse Grand Prix Army Lists
Below are the army lists and pictures for the Sprue Posse Grand Prix GT. You can find the final standings here. Results from day 1 and day 2 are also available. Battle Report links can be found here. 2011 player of the year standings are here.
Congratulations again to Dave Fay for winning our inaugural Grand Prix event!
First Place
Dave Fay - Chaos Space Marines
Chaos Lord (Bike, Mark of Nurgle, Plague Bringer, Combi-Melta)
Daemon Prince (Wings, Mark of Nurgle, Warptime)
Dreadnaught (Heavy Flamer, TL Bolter, Dreadnaught CCW x2)
Plague Marines x6 (Plasma x2) w Champion (Combi-Plasma) and Rhino
Plague Marines x6 (Melta x2) w Champion (Combi-Melta) and Rhino
Plague Marines x6 (Flamer x2) w Champion (Combi-Flamer) and Rhino
Plague Marines x7 (Plasma x2) and Rhino
Heavy Support
Predator (TL Lascannon, Lascannon Sponsons)
Second Place
Ryan Shepard - Imperial Guard
Company Command Squad (Melta x4) w Fleet Officer w Chimera (Heavy Flamer)
Psyker Battle Squad x6 w Chimera (Heavy Flamer)
Psyker Battle Squad x6 w Chimera (Heavy Flamer)
Veterans x10 (Melta x3, Autocannon x1) w Chimera (Heavy Flamer)
Veterans x10 (Melta x3, Autocannon x1) w Chimera (Heavy Flamer)
Veterans x10 (Melta x3, Autocannon x1) w Chimera (Heavy Flamer)
Veterans x10 (Plasma x3, LasCannon x1) w Chimera (Heavy Flamer)
Fast Attack
Vendetta (Heavy Bolter x2)
Vendetta (Heavy Bolter x2)
Vendetta (Heavy Bolter x2)
Heavy Support
Hydra x2 (Heavy Flamer)
Hydra x2 (Heavy Flamer)
Hydra x2 (Heavy Flamer)
Third Place
Frankie Giampapa - Space Wolves
Wolf Lord (Thunderwolf Calvary, Power Fist and Stormshield, Runic Armor, Wolftail Talisman, Saga of the Bear) and Fenrisian Wolves x2
Wolf Lord (Thunderwolf Calvary, Power Fist and Stormshield, Runic Armor, Wolftail Talisman, Saga of the Majesty) and Fenrisian Wolves x2
Wolf Lord (Thunderwolf Calvary, Wolf Claw and Stormshield, Runic Armor, Wolftail Talisman, Saga of the Warrior Born) and Fenrisian Wolves x2
Wolf Lord (Thunderwolf Calvary, Power Fist and Stormshield, Runic Armor, Wolftail Talisman) and Fenrisian Wolves x2
Fast Attack
Thunderwolf Cavalry x3 (Power Fist + Storm Shield x3 and Melta Bombs x3)
Grey Hunters x5 (Flamer) w Razorback (TL Heavy Bolter)
Grey Hunters x5 (Melta) w Razorback (TL Heavy Bolter)
Heavy Support
Long Fangs x 6 (Missile Launcher x5)
Long Fangs x 6 (Missile Launcher x5)
Long Fangs x 6 (Missile Launcher x5)
Fourth Place
Mike Northover - Space Wolves
Bjorn (Sage of Majesty)
Rune Priest (Jaws of the World Wolf, Living Lightning)
Rune Priest (Living Lightning, Storm Caller)
Grey Hunters x5 (Melta) w Rhino
Grey Hunters x5 (Flamer)
Grey Hunters x5 (Flamer) w Razorback (Lascannon and TL Plasma)
Heavy Support
Long Fangs x6 (Missile Launcher x4, Lascannon x1) w Razorback (Lascannon and TL Plasmagun)
Long Fangs x6 (Missile Launcher x5) w Razorback (Lascannon and TL Heavy Bolter)
Long Fangs x6 (Missile Launcher x4, Lascannon x1)
Dreadnought (HF and TL Lascannon)
Dreadnought (HF and CCW)
Fast Attack
Land Speeder (Typhoon)
Land Speeder (Typhoon)
Best Painted
Earth Warren - Orks
Warboss (Power Klaw, Warbike, Cybork, Stikkbombs)Big Mek (KFF, Power Klaw)
Nob Bikers x8 (Cybork, Warbikes, Bosspole, Power Klaw x2, Big Choppa) and Painboy
Boyz x20 (Rockitt x2) Nob (Power Klaw, Bosspole)
Boyz x20 (Rockitt x2) Nob (Power Klaw, Bosspole)
Burna Boyz x15
Lootas x7
Lootas x7
Heavy Support
Battlewagon (Deff Rolla, Rigger, Red Paint)
Battlewagon (Deff Rolla, Rigger, Red Paint)
Battlewagon (Deff Rolla, Rigger, Red Paint)

Painted Runner Up
Reece Robbins - Space Wolves

Bjorn (Plasma Cannon)
Rune Priest (Jaws of the World Wol, Storm Caller)
Grey Hunters x5 (Melta) w Razorback (Autocannon)
Grey Hunters x5 (Flamer)
Grey Hunters x5 (Flamer)
Dreadnaught (Lascannon, Heavy Flamer)
Dreadnaught (Lascannon, Heavy Flamer)
Dreadnaught (Autocannon)
Fast Attack
Land Speeder (Typhoon)
Land Speeder (Typhoon)
Thunderwolf (Power Fist + Storm Shield)
Heavy Support
Long Fangs x6 (Missile Launcher x5) w Razorback (Lascannon)
Long Fangs x6 (Missile Launcher x5) w Razorback (Lascannon)
Long Fangs x6 (Missile Launcher x5) w Razorback (Autocannon)

Sportsmanship Award
Nicholas Card - Dark Eldar

Trueborn x3 (Blasters x3) w Venom (Splinter Cannon x2, Night Shields)
Trueborn x3 (Blasters x3) w Venom (Splinter Cannon x2, Night Shields)
Trueborn x3 (Blasters x3) w Venom (Splinter Cannon x2, Night Shields)
Wracks x10 (Liquifier x2) w Raider (Dark Lance, Night Shields)
Wracks x9 w Raider (Dark Lance, Night Shields)
Wyches x9 w Raider (Dark Lance, Night Shields)
Warriors x5 w Venom (Splinter Cannon x2)
Warriors x5 w Venom (Splinter Cannon x2)
Heavy Support
Ravager (Dark Lance x3, Flickerfield, Night Shield)
Ravager (Dark Lance x3, Flickerfield, Night Shield)
Ravager (Dark Lance x3, Flickerfield, Night Shield)

Remaining Lists
Christian Alessi - Space Wolves
Wolf Lord (Thunderwolf Calvary, Power Fist and Stormshield, Runic Armor, Wolftail Talisman, Saga of the Bear)
Wolf Lord (Thunderwolf Calvary, Frost Weapon and Stormshield, Runic Armor, Wolftail Talisman, Saga of the Majesty)
Wolf Lord (Thunderwolf Calvary, Power Fist and Stormshield, Runic Armor, Wolftail Talisman, Saga of the Warrior Born)
Wolf Lord (Thunderwolf Calvary, Frost Weapon and Stormshield, Runic Armor, Wolftail Talisman)
Fast Attack
Thunderwolf Cavalry x3 (Power Fist + Storm Shield and Melta Bombs x3)
Grey Hunters x5 (Melta) w Razorback (TL Heavy Bolter)
Grey Hunters x5 (Melta) w Razorback (TL Heavy Bolter)
Heavy Support
Long Fangs x 6 (M.Launcher x5)
Long Fangs x 6 (M.Launcher x5)
Long Fangs x 6 (M.Launcher x5)

Kevin Brown - Tyranids
Hive Tyrant
Zoanthrope x3 w Mycetic Spore
Hive Guard x2
Hive Guard x3
Termagant x10
Termagant x10
Tervigon (Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst)
Tervigon (Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst)
Genestealers x14 (Toxin Sacs)
Genestealers x20 (Toxin Sacs)
Fast Attack
Gargoyles x19 (Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs)

Patrick Burdine - Space Marines
Captain (Bike, Relic Blade, Artificer Armor, Hellfire Rounds, Melta Bombs)
Librarian (Gate, Null Zone)
Scout Squad x5 (Missile Launcher, Camo Cloaks x5)
Space Marine Bike Squad x5 (Plasma x2) w Attack Bike (Multi-Melta) and Sergeant(Power Fist)
Space Marine Bike Squad x5 (Plasma x2) w Attack Bike (Multi-Melta) and Sergeant (Power Fist)
Space Marine Bike Squad x5 (Melta x2) w Attack Bike (Multi-Melta) and Sergeant (Power Fist)
Space Marine Bike Squad x5 (Melta x2) w Attack Bike (Multi-Melta) and Sergeant (Power Fist)
Heavy Support
Land Raider Crusader (Multi-Melta, Extra Armor)
Fast Attack
Land Speeder (Typhoon Missile Launcher)
Land Speeder (Typhoon Missile Launcher)
Land Speeder (Typhoon Missile Launcher)
Assault Terminators x5 (Thunder Hammer x5, Storm-shield x5)

Adam Gati - Eldar
Autarch (Mandiblaster, Laserlance, Reaper Launcher, Jetbike)
Autarch (Mandiblaster, Laserlance, Reaper Launcher, Jetbike)
Fire Dragons x5 w Wave Serpent (Spirit Stones, Cannon)
Fire Dragons x5 w Wave Serpent (Spirit Stones, Cannon)
Jetbikes x6 (Cannons x2)
Jetbikes x6 (Cannons x2)
Dire Avengers x5 w Wave Serpent (Spirit Stones, EML)
Dire Avengers x5 w Wave Serpent (Spirit Stones, EML)
Fast Attack
Vypers x2 (Scatterlaser x2, Cannon x2)
Vypers x2 (Scatterlaser x2, Cannon x2)
Heavy Support
Fire Prism
Fire Prism
Night Spinner
Justin Gibbs-Forrester - Dark Eldar
Haemonculus (Liquifier)
Warriors x5 (Blaster x5) w Raider (Dark Lance, Flicker Field)
Warriors x5 (Blaster x5) w Raider (Dark Lance, Flicker Field)
Warriors x5 (Blaster x5) w Raider (Dark Lance, Flicker Field)
Warriors x5 (Blaster x5) w Raider (Dark Lance, Flicker Field)
Wracks x9 (Liquifier, Acothyst w Agonizer) w Raider (Dark Lance, Flicker Field)
Wyches x6 (Hekatrix w Agonizer) w Raider (Dark Lance, Flicker Field)
Kabalite Trueborn x3 (Dark Lance x2) Venom (Splinter Canon)
Kabalite Trueborn x3 (Dark Lance x2) Venom (Splinter Canon)
Kabalite Trueborn x3 (Dark Lance x2) Venom (Splinter Canon)
Heavy Support
Ravager (Darklance x3, Flicker Field)
Ravager (Darklance x3, Flicker Field)
Ravager (Darklance x3, Flicker Field)
Allan Hernandez - Dark Eldar
Baron Sathonyx
Incubi x9 w Raider (Dark Lance, Flickerfield)
Karbalite Warriors x5 with Venom (Splinter Cannon x2, Flickerfield, Night Shields)
Karbalite Warriors x5 with Venom (Splinter Cannon x2, Flickerfield, Night Shields)
Karbalite Warriors x20 (Dark Lance x2) w Sybarite
Wyches x10 w Hekatrix w Raider (Dark Lance, Flickerfield)
Hellion x9 w Helliarch
Heavy Support
Ravager (Dark Lance, Flickerfield)
Ravager (Dark Lance, Flickerfield)
Razorwing Jetfighter (Dark Lance x2, Monoscythe Missile x2, Splinter Cannon, Shatterfield Missile x2, Flickerfield)
Lee Horn - Space Wolves
Wolf Lord (Thunderwolf Calvary, Power Fist and Stormshield, Runic Armor, Wolftail Talisman, Saga of the Warrior Born)
Rune Priest (Jaws of the World Wolf, Murderous Hurricane)
Dreadnaught (TL Autocannon)
Dreadnaught (TL Autocannon)
Dreadnaught (TL Autocannon)
Grey Hunters x5 (Melta) w Razorback (Lascannon and TL Plasmagun)
Grey Hunters x5 (Melta) w Razorback (Lascannon and TL Plasmagun)
Grey Hunters x5 (Melta) w Razorback (Lascannon and TL Plasmagun)
Grey Hunters x5 (Melta) w Razorback (Lascannon and TL Plasmagun)
Fast Attack
Thunderwolf Cavalry x4 (Power Fist + Storm Shield and Melta Bomb)
Heavy Support
Long Fangs x 6 (M.Launcher x5)
Long Fangs x 6 (M.Launcher x5)
Predator (Autocannon, LasCannon)

John Mann - Dark Angels
Belial (Thunderhammer + Stormshield)
Sammael w Landspeeder
Deathwing Terminators x5 (Thunderhammer + Stormshield x5, Cyclone x1) w Apothecary, Deathwing Company Banner
Deathwing Terminators x5 (Thunderhammer + Stormshield x5, Cyclone x1)
Deathwing Terminators x5 (Thunderhammer + Stormshield x5, Cyclone x1)
Deathwing Terminators x5 (Thunderhammer + Stormshield x5, Cyclone x1)
Fast Attack
Ravenwing Attack Squadron x3 (Melta x2) w Attack Bike (Multi-Melta)
Ravenwing Attack Squadron x3 (Melta x2) w Attack Bike (Multi-Melta)
Heavy Support
Predator (Autocannon, Heavy Bolter x2)
Predator (Autocannon, Heavy Bolter x2)
Predator (Autocannon, Heavy Bolter x2)
Chris Morris - Orks
Ghazghull Thraka
12 Boys Nob PK BP w Trukk
12 Boys Nob PK BP w Trukk
12 Boys Nob PK BP w Trukk
Deff Dred (Skorcha x2, Grot, Armor Plates)
Meganobz x4 w Wagon (Deff Rolla, Big Shoota)
Loota x5
Loota x5
Nob x4 (Allocated Wounds, PK, Big Choppa, Choppa, Choppa w BP, and Painboy w Wagon (Deff Rolla, Big Shoota)
Killa Kan x3 (Grotzooka x3)
Killa Kan x3 (Rockitt x3)
Killa Kan x3 (Rockitt x3)

Derek Page - Space Marines
Librarian (Terminator Armor, Storm Shield, Epolstiary)
Assault Terminators x5 (Thunderhammer + Stormshield x5)
Assault Terminators x10 (Thunderhammer + Stormshield x10)
Ironclad Dreadnaught (Heavy Flamer) w Drop Pod
Space Marine Squad x10 (Flamer, Multi-Melta) and Sergeant (Combi Melta, Power Fist)
Space Marine Squad x10 (Flamer, Multi-Melta) and Sergeant (Combi Melta, Power Fist)
Space Marine Squad x10 (Flamer, Multi-Melta) and Sergeant (Combi Melta, Power Fist)
Heavy Support
Thunderfire Cannon w Drop Pod
Land Raider Redeemer (Extra Armor, Multi-Melta)

Robert Pait - Tyranids
Hive Tyrant (Scything Talons x2, Hive Commander, Paroxysm, Leech Essence) w Tyrant Guard.
Hive Guard x2
Hive Guard x2
Hive Guard x2
Tervigon (Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst)
Tervigon (Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst)
Termagants x10
Termagants x10
Genestealers x11 (Toxin Sacs)
Genestealers x11 (Toxin Sacs)
Fast Attack
Gargoyles x20 (Toxin Sacs, Adrenal Glands)
Heavy Support
Trygon (Adrenal Glands)
Trygon (Adrenal Glands)

Jon Regul - Orks
Big Mek (Kustom Force Field)
Big Mek (Kustom Force Field)
Loota x10
Loota x10
Kommandos x 11 (Burna x2) w Boss Snikrot
Shoota Boyz x20 (Big Shoota x2) Nob (Powerklaw, Bosspole)
Shoota Boyz x20 (Big Shoota x2) Nob (Powerklaw, Bosspole)
Shoota Boyz x20 (Big Shoota x2) Nob (Powerklaw, Bosspole)
Gretchin x16 w Runtherd
Deff Dread (Big Shoota x2, Armor Plates)
Deff Dread (Big Shoota x2, Armor Plates)
Fast Attack
Deffkopta (TL Rockitt, Buzzsaw)
Deffkopta (TL Rockitt, Buzzsaw)
Heavy Support
Killa Kan x3 (Grotzooka x3)
Killa Kan x3 (Grotzooka x3)
Killa Kan x3 (Grotzooka x3)

Steven Smith - Space Wolves
Wolf Lord (Thunderwolf Calvary, Power Fist and Stormshield, Runic Armor, Wolftail Talisman, Saga of the Bear)
Wolf Lord (Thunderwolf Calvary, Frost Weapon and Stormshield, Runic Armor, Wolftail Talisman, Saga of the Majesty)
Wolf Lord (Thunderwolf Calvary, Power Fist and Stormshield, Runic Armor, Wolftail Talisman, Saga of the Warrior Born)
Wolf Lord (Thunderwolf Calvary, Frost Weapon and Stormshield, Runic Armor, Wolftail Talisman)
Wolf Scouts x8 (Melta Bombs x2, Melta Gun)
Fast Attack
Thunderwolf Cavalry x3 (Power Fist + Storm Shield and Melta Bombs x3)
Grey Hunters x5 w Razorback
Grey Hunters x5 w Razorback
Heavy Support
Long Fangs x 6 (M.Launcher x5)
Long Fangs x 6 (M.Launcher x5)
William Trovato - Chaos Daemons
Bloodthirster (Unholy Might, Blessing of the Blood God)
Bloodcrushers x6 (Fury of Khorne, Icon, Instrument)
Bloodcrushers x6 (Fury of Khorne, Icon, Instrument)
Fiends x6 (Unholy Might)
Plaguebearers x6
Plaguebearers x5
Plaguebearers x5
Fast Attack
Seekers x14
Heavy Support
Daemon Prince (Mark of Tzeentch, Bolt of Tzeentch, Daemonic Gaze)

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