Playing: Sprue Posse Invitational 2010 Army Lists
Below are the army lists for the Sprue Posse invitational. This was a 2000 point 40k tournament. Each participant was invited based on performance during the 2010 season. You can find a the full results from the tournament here.
Congratulations to Levi Joos for winning the Sprue Posse Invitational and the honors of Sprue Posse player of the year!
First Place
Levi Joos - Orks
Ghazghkull Thraka
Big Mek (Kustom Force Field, Power Klaw)
Nobs x 8 w Cybork Bodies, and Painboy (Power Klaw x 2, Big Choppa x 2, Combi Rockitt x 2, Bosspole x 3, Waagh Banner, Ammo Runt x 2)
Shoota Boys x18 (Rockitt) w Nob (Power Klaw, Boss Pole)
Shoota Boys x18 (Rockitt) w Nob (Power Klaw, Boss Pole)
Gretchin x 19 w Runtherd
Fast Attack
Deffkopta x1 (TL Rockitt, Buzzsaw)
Deffkopta x1 (TL Rockitt, Buzzsaw)
Heavy Support
Battlewagon (Deffrolla, Kannon, Boarding Plank, Grot Riggers, Stikkbomb Chucka, Red Paint)
Battlewagon (Deffrolla, Kannon, Boarding Plank, Red Paint)
Battlewagon (Deffrolla, Kannon, Boarding Plank, Red Paint)
Lootas x 15
Lootas x 5
Lootas x 5
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From 40k 5/26/2010 |
Second Place
Robert Pait - Imperial Guard
Company Command Squad (Plasma x4) w Chimera (Heavy Flamer)
Veteran Squad x10 (Melta x3) w Chimera (Heavy Flamer)
Veteran Squad x10 (Melta x3) w Chimera (Heavy Flamer)
Veteran Squad x10 (Melta x3, Demolitions)
Platoon Command Squad x 5 (Flamer x2) w Chimera (Heavy Flamer)
Infantry Squad x 10 w Lascannon Team
Infantry Squad x 10 w Commissar w Lascannon Team
Autocannon Team x3
Autocannon Team x3
Autocannon Team x3
Autocannon Team x3
Fast Attack
Heavy Support
Hydra x3
Psyker Battle Squad x8 w Chimera (Heavy Bolter)
Third Place
Ryan Shepard - Tyranids
Swarmlord w Tyrant Guard
Termagants x10
Termagants x10
Tervigon (Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst)
Tervigon (Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst)
Genestealers x16
Genestealers x16
Hive Guard x2
Hive Guard x2
Hive Guard x2
Heavy Support
Trygon (Adrenal Glands)
Trygon (Adrenal Glands)
Remaining Lists
Sergio Alvarez - Blood Angels
Assault Squad x5 (melta x1, Power Fist x1) w Razorback (TL LC)
Assault Squad x5 (melta x1, Power Fist x1) w Razorback (TL LC)
Assault Squad x5 (melta x1, Power Fist x1, Plasma Pistol x1) w Razorback (TL LC)
Assault Squad x10 (jump packs, melta x2, power weapon)
Scout Squad x5 (missile launcher, combat blade)
Heavy Support
Devastator Squad x5 (LC x1, Missile Launcher x3)
Devastator Squad x5 (LC x1, Missile Launcher x3)
Fast Attack
Baal Predator x (Flamestorm Cannon, HB)
Baal Predator x (Flamestorm Cannon, HB)
Baal Predator x (HK Missile, HB)
Sanguinary Priest x3 (Power Armor, Melta Bombs)
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From Drop Box |
Patrick Burdine - Space Marines
Captain (Bike, Relic Blade, Storm Shield, Melta Bombs)
Librarian (Avenger, Null Zone)
Space Marine Bike Squad x5 (Plasma x2) w Attack Bike (Heavy Bolter) and Sergeant
Space Marine Bike Squad x5 (Plasma x2) w Attack Bike (Multi-Melta) and Sergeant (Power Fist)
Space Marine Bike Squad x5 (Melta x2) w Attack Bike (Multi-Melta) and Sergeant (Power Fist)
Space Marine Bike Squad x5 (Melta x2) w Attack Bike (Multi-Melta) and Sergeant (Power Fist)
Space Marine Bike Squad x5 (Flamer x2, Melta Bomb) w Attack Bike (Multi-Melta) and Sergeant (Power Fist)
Heavy Support
Land Raider Crusader (Multi-Melta, Extra Armor)
Fast Attack
Land Speeder (Typhoon Missile Launcher)
Land Speeder (Typhoon Missile Launcher)
Land Speeder (Typhoon Missile Launcher)
Assault Terminators x5 (Thunder Hammer x5, Storm-shield x5)
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From Drop Box |
Mike Northover - Space Wolves
Bjorn the Fell-Handed
Rune Priest (Jaws of the World Wolf, Storm Caller)
Grey Hunters x5 (Mark of the Wulfen x1)
Grey Hunters x5 (Mark of the Wulfen x1)
Grey Hunters x5 (Mark of the Wulfen x1) w Razorback (LC and TL Plasma Gun)
Grey Hunters x5 (Mark of the Wulfen x1) w Razorback (LC and TL Plasma Gun)
Heavy Support
Long Fangs Pack x6 (Lascannon x1, Missile Launcher x4) w Razorback (TL Assault Cannon)
Long Fangs Pack x6 (Lascannon x1, Missile Launcher x4) w Razorback (TL Lascannon)
Long Fangs Pack x6 (Lascannon x1, Missile Launcher x4) w Razorback (TL Heavy Bolter)
Fast Attack
Land Speeder Squadron
Dreadnought (CCW, Storm Bolter, TL Lascannon)
Dreadnought (TL Lascannon, Missile Launcher)
Wolf Guard Pack x3 (Power Weapon x2, Combi-Melta x1)
Jon Regul - Orks
Big Mek (Kustom Force Field)
Big Mek (Kustom Force Field)
Loota x10
Loota x10
Kommandos x 11 (Burna x2) w Boss Snikrot
Shoota Boyz x20 (Big Shoota x2) Nob (Powerklaw, Bosspole)
Shoota Boyz x20 (Big Shoota x2) Nob (Powerklaw, Bosspole)
Shoota Boyz x20 (Big Shoota x2) Nob (Powerklaw, Bosspole)
Gretchin x16 w Runtherd
Deff Dread (Big Shoota x2, Armor Plates)
Deff Dread (Big Shoota x2, Armor Plates)
Fast Attack
Deffkopta (TL Rockitt, Buzzsaw)
Deffkopta (TL Rockitt, Buzzsaw)
Heavy Support
Killa Kan x3 (Grotzooka x3)
Killa Kan x3 (Grotzooka x3)
Killa Kan x3 (Grotzooka x3)
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From Drop Box |
Ken Riggio - Space Marines
Librarian (Avenger, Null Zone)
Tactical Space Marines x10 (Missile Launcher, Flamer) w Rhino
Tactical Space Marines x10 (Missile Launcher, Flamer) w Rhino
Space Marine Scouts x5 (Sniper Rifles x4, Missile Launcher, Camo Cloaks x5)
Heavy Support
Land Raider Crusader (Multi-Melta, Extra Armor)
Fast Attack
Land Speeder (Typhoon Missile Launcher)
Land Speeder (Typhoon Missile Launcher)
Assault Terminators x6 (Thunder Hammer x6, Storm-shield x6)
Assault Terminators x5 (Thunder Hammer x5, Storm-shield x5)
Terminators x10 (Chainfist x2, Cyclone Missile Launcher x2)
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From Drop Box |
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