Playing: The Sprue Posse Grand Prix
The Sprue Posse presents the:
5th Edition Warhammer 40k Tournament
Saturday and Sunday, January 22nd and 23rd, 2011, 11:00 AM
Hosted by
Dragon's Den Games
2000 Points
5 Rounds Swiss-System
Unpainted Models Allowed; WYSIWYG
Standard Missions from the 5th Edition Rulebook
Prize Support for Best General**
Prize Support for Best Painted
$25 entry fee!
Limited Seating!
Please submit a typed army list to the tournament organizer on the day of the tournament.
*INAT FAQ is the independent national tournament FAQ located here:
**Best general also wins an invite to the upcoming NOVA invitational.
7522 Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles CA. 90046
Sign up instructions are here.
Questions? Please contact Kevin Nash
As a side note I only saw a single unpainted army at Nova that did the 3 color dot thing. Most people painted furiously to finish their armies for the event.